Digital storytelling tool - upload the photos, arrange the photo order and record your story based on the photo being viewed. This would be great to have students retell what happened on a field trip or create an oral creative writing story based on photos chosen by the student or teacher. Students could even create a book project over a novel or short story with this tool.
Newsela | Nonfiction Literacy and Current Events
Articles you can use instantly with students that automatically modifies the text based on the selected lexile level. The content is retained, but the readability is adjusted. It also provides quizzes over the articles geared by lexile level too.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Website Wednesday
Monday, December 16, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Website Wednesday
Upload an image and discover what website it originated from
Use this site to create rubrics, quizzes, webquests and more
Great resources from the Iowa Area Education Agencies - web links for technology, assistive technology, autism, behavior resources, literary, common core and more.
Check if your website is down or up? Great tool for checking to see if that website is really down or if it has something to do with your network.
Tutorial and project centered around searching and evaluating web resources. Also addresses plagiarism, copyright and source citation. Great tool to use with students as a refresher or an actual project. (Since this is on Atomic Learning, you will need to login for full access.)
All of the best K-5 online, interactive, educational games and simulations in one place! Covers all content areas plus art, music, typing, holidays, spanish and teacher tools. Great for interactive whiteboards or individual computers.
Compiled list of resources from Scholastic for teaching students about JFK. Resource grade range covers PreK-8.
Free download and streaming of over 100 WWII news audio files. Use them to enhance class learning and presentations.
18 WWII audio clips including both speeches and war related sounds. You can link back to the audio clip, but they cannot be downloaded. Would work great in digital presentations like Prezi, Glogster and ThingLink.
World War II audio clips that teachers and students can embed into their projects and presentations to enhance learning. Audio clips include war sounds, speeches, songs/music and more