
Friday, April 19, 2013

Website Wednesday

  • Don't let the name fool you - this site contains science and math activities that you could use tomorrow morning.  Lessons provide you with age appropriateness, materials (w/cost) for the activity and a detailed activity sheet that you can download or print.

    tags: science math activities resources STEM

  • Great collection of photos and video footage from wildlife photographers.  Site provides lessons and activities for the classroom.  If you want to be grossed out, watch the African rock python eat lunch!  You'll grab the attention of your reluctant learners.

    tags: science animals biology photos nature resources

  • Library of short how-to videos produced to help students and teachers in the digital classroom.  All videos are based on Web 2.0 technology tools & demonstrate how-to use the applications.

    tags: technology how-tos video Web 2.0

  • Rap song about graphing - could be used to introduce or reinforce graphing for those musical learners

    tags: graph math rap song

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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