
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Website Wednesday

  • Students learn and practice the rows. They receive instant feed back on their accuracy and progress through the lesson. They can retake an exercise if they did poorly. Set-up a free teacher account under Teacher Portal to create & manage student accounts and track progress & improvement.  Several lessons can be completed in a 25 minute time period.

    tags: typing Keyboarding tutorials

  • Provides games for students to work on their typing abilities in a fun way.  Some games are good for the beginning typer while others require mor typing skills.  You'll want students to wear headphones when playing the games.

    tags: keyboarding typing interactive Games

  • Find out how many words per minute you can type while practicing the various rows of the keyboard.  After your lesson, you will see the words per minute and number of errors.  Not engaging for younger students.

    tags: typing keyboarding tutorials

  • Provides 16 lessons for students to learn and practice typing.  If you click on the lesson, you will be timed while you practice typing.  If you the click the blue video camera next to the lesson number, you can watch a short video tutorial on the keys you will practice in the lesson.

    tags: typing keyboarding tutorials

  • Provides an introduction and practice to touch typing for students age 7-11.  Covers  home row and the other letters, a few punctuation marks and how to make caps.  You will want students to use headphones.

    tags: typing keyboarding tutorials

  • Online typing lessons appropriate for students and adults.  It covers all the rows, numbers and math signs.  There is no tracking option for teachers, but this would be good practice for students.  Not real engaging for younger students, but good for older ones.

    tags: typing keyboarding tutorials

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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