
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Website Wednesday

From Free Technology For Teachers - This blog post features a short video created by Minute Physics on how modern light bulbs work and how the design has changed over the last 100+ years. it also provides applications for classroom use.
tags: light bulbs electricity activities teaching videos
Great resource for teachers - provides definition, key words, actions, outcomes and questions for the thinking skill levels in Bloom's Taxonomy.
tags: teaching instruction bloom's taxonomy assessment
Collection of story starter ideas for writing assignments or digital storytelling activities.
tags: writing prompts storytelling digital storytelling resources
From PBS Learning Media, this 5 minute video relates the history behind single women homesteaders and the 1862 Homesteading Act. You can opt to stream or download the video. You can also see the standards tied to this content.
tags: social studies classroom resources pbs videos
As you explore the various demographical information available, the country size will shift to indicate the data being depicted. This is a great for visual learners! With one quick glance you can see which country has the highest number in a specific area. When you hover your mouse over a country, you will get the country name and actual numbers.
tags: maps demographics geography interactive web2.0 resources technology

1 comment:

  1. Love your resources, Gwen. Thanks for sharing! Judy
