
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Website Wednesday

This blog post by Kasey Bell focuses on using Google Maps, Street View and Google Earth.
53 ideas for checking student understanding.

The Key Differences Between Summative And Formative Assessments | Edudemic
This short article from Edudemic provides a simple definition between summative and formative assessments. They have also included a handy infographic for those of us who are visual learners.

10 edu-books to inspire and stimulate
Looking for a book to help you go to the next level as an educator? Matt Miller, author of Ditch the Textbook, offers his top ten list.
    75 Practical Ed Tech Tips Videos
    Educational 'how-to' videos created by Richard Byrne, FreeTech4Teachers, covering a variety of topics such as storyboarding, blogging tools and tips, audio recording tools and more.  (See playlist below)

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